Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

We just got back from our sonogram and we got to see little Noah Paul! He almost didn't show us his goods. He kept his legs tightly closed the entire time. The tech said she would do some computer work to give him a little time to move around. When she came back he had his legs opened, but his little hands were in the way (typical boy). She was able to wiggle him around a little bit and he revealed himself :). When the doctor came in, Noah had his legs spread wide apart..there was no mistaking that he was a he.

Thankfully, he looks to be very healthy! What a blessing!!!

Now I'm off to prime his room and get ready for our Home Goods trip tomorrow!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 18

Tomorrow is the BIG day! 9 am. I pray that our little one is strong, healthy, and right on track. He/She has been kicking up a storm today. Hopefully the baby doesn't get pooped out for tomorrow!

Baby Heisey received some great Christmas gifts already. A baby monitor, CD player, an awesome toy, books, and a CD! The little one is already being spoiled.

We went to Babies R Us to order the crib and changing table, but were lucky enough to get the 1 of each that they had in stock. Brian put them together on Saturday. All the furniture is set up. I'm planning on working in the room after the appointment tomorrow. We bought lots of primer and I brought home many, many paint samples. I can see the design in my head..it's now just a matter of making it happen.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week 17 Got away from me

I am officially in week 18 as of today, but I let week 17 slide by in blog world so I'll recap:

The most exciting thing that happened in week 17 is that the baby is moving and kicking! I feel it often now and it's by far the coolest thing I've ever experienced. Brian got to feel it the other day. It seemed like every time he would put his hand on my belly, the baby would stop kicking. He finally got to feel 2 little kicks!

We have our 2nd Trimester screening 1 week from today! We can't wait :)

My belly seems to have popped out a bit more as of this morning. It looks like it's starting to spread out a little bit and get rounder. I don't think I've gained much weight yet though.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I popped!

Week 16:

There is a lot to report on this week. I literally woke up one day with a noticeable bump :). People at work started to notice too..and I love it. It's still tiny, but so cute! I'll definitely be posting pictures now that the belly is actually changing.

As if that isn't news enough..I was driving to work this morning and the baby kicked me 3 times!!! There were 2 kicks and then I pushed on my belly a little bit and I got a 3rd kick. It was unmistakable and awesome. I've been waiting all day to feel it again, but nothing so far.

I had a doctors appointment on the 9th and we got to hear the heartbeat again. According to the doctors scale I haven't gained any weight yet, but I'm sure it's coming. I've been fluctuating between 128 and 130.

Brian and I are planning on starting the babies room over Christmas break. I can't believe next Friday is Christmas!?!!

15 days until we get to find out the sex!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 15

I can't believe how fast these weeks are going! Things really started to speed up. Tomorrow is week 16 already! 4 months pregnant :)

I had a bad pain in my stomach (right near my belly button) on Tuesday. It started when I was on my way home from work. For some reason I wasn't overly concerned..maybe because it didn't feel like a cramp or anything. I got home and made dinner, but when I went to sit down to eat, the pain started getting worse. I thought that if I could lay flat, maybe it would feel better. I went to the couch, but the pain was still there..just as bad. Brian and my mom convinced me to call the doctors office. The doctor on call asked that I come into the hospital to Labor Hall so she could check out my belly. I still wasn't overly worried at this point. It seemed like a good practice run since we've never been to the labor part of the hospital. We got there around 8 and the doctor was just getting ready to deliver a baby C-section. She stopped into my room and pushed on my belly saying that everything seemed to be ok. They were going to take a urine sample and check the babies heartbeat and then I could go home if I was feeling ok. Of course the pain went away when we were there. Not that it was a bad thing, but that's always how it works. The doctor went to deliver a baby and the nurse checked for the heartbeat. She couldn't find it, but we could hear movement. I don't think she was down low enough. She told me that the doctor would do a sonogram when she could. Luckily, the doctor came in about a 1/2 hour later and just squirted the gel on my stomach and put the sonogram thing down when a nurse came in with an emergency. The doctor did say before she ran out that the baby looked good. We could see the hearbeat. So she ran out and there sat the sonogram machine. It was turned on and ready to go. I still had all the gel on my stomach and Brian and I looked at each other..we wanted so badly to check it out for ourselves. No one was around! I knew though that as soon as one of us touched the machine, someone would come into the room. I had to hold Brian off. The doctor eventually came back and took the time to show us our little one. The baby flipped on it's side when we were watching!! So basically, everything was fine and the pain was gone. 2 hours after we got there, we were on our way home. I was very impressed with the doctor on call (Dr. Keperling) and I liked the hospital. She delivered 2 babies while we were there and was still very patient and caring towards me.

I also think that I felt the baby move this week. I can't be 100% sure, but I felt it a work when I was sitting very still and I felt it at church on Sunday. It's very subtle, but I'm pretty sure it was my baby!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Out with the old, In with the new!

Week 14:

We made it safely into our Second Trimester! Mom is doing well. Baby is doing well. Andrea found out this week that she is having another little boy! We have exactly 1 month to wait before we can find out.

I put on my one and only pair of jeans for Thanksgiving and the zipper wouldn't even attempt to go up. I have a very tiny little belly right now, which I'm very proud of :). I went shopping with my mom and bought some maternity pants and my mom bought me two adorable maternity shirts. I'm really enjoying every second of this pregnancy!!!

We found a Black Friday sale on a glider - 50% off! We were lucky enough to actually get one without fighting the crowds. I couldn't help putting it together today and I love it. We also stopped at Target for something and we happened to stroll past the furniture, where we found the perfect dresser and book shelf for the babies room - on sale! It's not baby furniture, but it's by far the cutest/nicest furniture I've seen, and exactly what we've been looking for. Now all we need is the crib and a big, comfy rug. I didn't really expect to have all this shopping done already, but a deal is a deal :).

I can't wait to feel the little one moving in my belly! This whole process is beautiful and I pray for continued health for the baby and myself. I've been a whole lot more emotional lately, but can you blame me..I have a miracle growing inside of me!

Current Weight: 130ish

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Week of Trimester #1 (!!!!)

Hmm, where to start..

So I had an idea this week about Baby H's room. This is the first baby room idea that I've had that really makes me excited. I'm thinking about using very simple, dainty, old fashioned looking furniture (Jenny Lind designs in white, to be exact). My decorating style has always been juxtaposing Victorian, very intricate styles with modern, quirky styles. So I'm thinking that I'll use the furniture with delicate little spindles and I'll paint one wall of the room with horizontal black and white stripes (thick stripes). The other 3 walls will be almost white, but ever so slightly tinted with a color..maybe pink, blue, green, yellow..not sure yet. Anyhow, all the accents of the room will be bright, beautiful colors! I can't wait. I think my dad is going to help us get the twin bed that goes in that room set up this week.

Now, to my belly. I have a slight (very slight) little bump! I've continued to feel good. I'm not a big fan of waiting a full month between appointments, but I know there really isn't a reason go to sooner at this point. I just like seeing and hearing the baby.

Todd and Andrea find out if they are having a boy or girl tomorrow. I'm hoping for a girl for them.

Current weight: 130

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 12

Mom, Dad and Baby Heisey had a pretty exciting week 12! We had our second doctors appointment on Wednesday - we got to hear the heart beat. Then we had an awesome sonogram from Maternal Fetal Medicine for the First Trimester Screening on Thursday. Our little baby really does look like a baby now! We got a bunch of pictures and the one shows a clear picture of his/her mouth, nose, and eyes. It's amazing!!! My mom came with us to our screening and the 3 of us were completely surprised by the movement of the baby. I kinda laugh every time I think of it because I was expecting small movements, but Baby Heisey was 'bucking' in there and his/her little hands were going all over the place. It was adorable!

I'm back to being really tired again. I guess all the growing that's happening in there is making me exhausted.

We will get to find out the sex on December 29th as long as the little one cooperates :)

Almost out of the first trimester!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Whoops - we blew right through week 10!

So I guess the pregnancy really is going by faster than I thought. Here it is, the start of my 11th week, and I just realized that I never updated for week 10. Brian did get a picture though - all the pictures will be added soon although I can't say there has been much of a change yet aside from looking bloated!

Getting up in the middle of the night to pee has become a normal thing now. As I'm stumbling through the hallway at 1 in the morning..or is it 3?? (I'm only 1/2 awake), I don't always see it as an amazing thing, but just think how God has this all set up. So I never woke up to go to the bathroom before. In fact, I never work up for anything before, but now that I'm working towards motherhood it's so cool to know that He is preparing my body and my mind for those long baby feeding nights (and then the monster's under the bed nights..and the peeing the bed nights..along with the sleepless nights worrying about every last kid/teenager thing...looks like I won't be getting much sleep from here on out!)

I'm so excited to start showing. I don't want to wish any of this by, but I really, really just can't wait to be able to see the little one growing. I've felt great so far that I sometimes forget that I'm pregnant!

We have two upcoming appointments. The first is on Nov. 11th for a regular check-up and the second is on the 12th at Maternal Fetal Medicine for a sonogram screening. My mom will hopefully be joining us for the sonogram :)

Weight: about 130.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 9

So I'm half-way through week 9 and I'm feeling pretty good. The tiredness seems to come and go (right now for instance, I can barely keep my eyes open.) I feel like I might be having 'growing pains' in my belly. It's nothing terrible or even all that noticable, but every now and again I feel pangs of pulling or 'little somethings'.

I don't have another appointment until November 11th, which seems like forever from now, but I trust that time will keep rolling along just as quickly as it has so far.

We're moving back into our house tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to staring into the baby's room with a million visions floating through my head. I'm not sure what direction we'll take the room yet, but I have started a very small collection of things that will hopefully find a home in there soon. I bought a very sweet little light the other day. It isn't a 'baby' item, but it screamed out dainty and stylish little baby to me :)

I'm not sure yet if I've gained any weight this week (I'll check tonight and post an update), but I would imagine that I have. It certainly hasn't been a problem for me to chow down all day!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 8 - Take Two

We had our sonogram yesterday, which was amazing! Baby Heisey made his/her first debut on the big screen and everything looked great. There was a strong heartbeat and the doctor tells us that she saw the limbs, body, and head - we saw round circle looking things :). Baby Heisey measured at 8 weeks 1 day (we thought I was 9 weeks) making the official due date May 25th!

When the doctor had the picture on the screen and we heard the hearbeat, I was speechless. I think Brian and the doctor kept looking to me for a response, but I truly couldn't get a word out. I was choked up with tears quietly sliding down my cheeks. I was releived and amazed beyond words. I have no idea how people can not see God in every aspect of a pregnancy. It's a true blessing and miracle!

I weighed in at 128lbs. It appears that I gained 2 lbs in just 2 days, but really I think that my weight at Monday's appointment was a little low because of not feeling well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 8 & First Appointment!

I didn't think this day would ever come, but of course it did..our FIRST doctors visit. Actually, the real appointment is tomorrow (which will be the start of week 9), but Brian and I met with a nurse and 4 other expecting mother's for a 2 hour class. They covered all kinds of information about the different trimesters and we went over our family history. I wasn't feeling well at all yesterday morning - due to a migraine all Sunday night - but I didn't want to miss this first appointment. Brian was my note taker and he did an awesome job! He's going to be such a great dad! Aside from the fact that kids love him, he's so organized and just has it 'together'. I know he'll be a tremendous help throughout this whole process.

They offered for me to get the flu shot yesterday so I got it. I'm not sure what I'll do about getting the H1N1 vaccine, but at this point I don't think I'll get it.

I'm not feeling great today. I'm a little nauseous, which is a first. I don't feel like I need to hover over the toilet, but it could turn that way at any moment.

So tomorrow is the sonogram!! We meet with Sue Martin (a Midwife) at 10:45 and the sonogram is scheduled for 11:30. If I'm being completely honest, I'm nervous..and worried..and excited. I think I'll feel better once we get there!

I weighed in at 126lbs yesterday. The nurse said this will be my starting point. I found out yesterday during the class that women gain an average of 30 lbs during the pregnancy. That seems like a lot to me right now, but I can't wait until I start to see a little belly popping out :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

6 weeks down, 34 to go..

I am now in my 7th week! It's just as scary, wonderful, and exciting as the 6th. Not a whole lot has changed other than the fact that I am so exhausted that I can barely keep my head up. I've never been so tired in all my life - but I'm not complaining - I don't mind missing some of my TV shows to catch some extra zzz's. I've actually spent the past two days in my car napping at lunchtime. Now, I've always taken great pride in the fact that I can basically sleep anywhere, anytime, but I didn't think I would actually be able to fall asleep for my measly 1/2 hour lunch break. I was out..like so out that my mouth was hanging open when the alarm went off and I hit snooze. I get so excited at around 11:30 knowing that I'm going to be napping soon! I'm going to start losing friends at work :).

I had some blood work done this week to make sure that all my levels are ok - the wait for the results is always tough (I kept my cellphone glued to my side.) It's only fitting that when I put it down for 3 seconds (literally), I missed 'the call'. When I finally talked to the nurse, she assured me that all my levels looked good! 17,000 for HCG, 28.8 progesterone, and A+ blood type. I don't know what all that means right now, but I'm sure it will mean something sometime very soon.

I changed my doctor today. I've been going back and forth on this decision, and I finally made up my mind. I feel very at peace with the decision (plus I get to see the little one a week earlier now). My new appointment is 10/14. I have to attend an information class on the 12th to give all my information and meet with a nurse and other new mom's-to-be. Brian and I then meet with our new doctor for my first visit and sonogram!!! I will be around 9 weeks for my visit. Can't wait!

Current Weight: 127lbs

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a BABY!?

Yep, we're having a baby! The double pink line confirmed it. Then the other double pink line on the next test confirmed it. Then the other pink..I'm kidding, but that's definitely the feeling I had, and if I would have had an unlimited amount of pregnancy tests in my bathroom cupboard I'm pretty sure I'd still be in there testing. Pretty amazing (and by amazing I mean pretty scary and exciting stuff here!)

It's been exactly 1 week and 1 day since we found out. On Wednesday I entered my sixth week of pregnancy (at least according to everything I've read. The doctor will confirm all of this later). Speaking of the doctor, we don't go for our appointment until October 20th. I get nervous just saying that date in my head. It seems so far away! I've been assured that it's normal to wait that long for the first visit. I'll be 1 day shy of 10 weeks at that point. We're hoping to be able to hear the heartbeat.

There's suddenly so much to worry about. Each time a worry starts slipping into my head, I'm trying to turn it over to God. I know in my heart that He's watching over us..He planned this miracle and knew about it long before we did (He didn't need 3 pregnancy tests to believe it!) The peace God can give me is beautiful. I keep this verse close:
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

I want to keep track of how my body is feeling every step of the way. I'll need to backtrack here for a min, but I don't want to miss a thing:

We found out on Friday the 19th. I spent the week prior to that feeling like I had cramps, and Brian will tell you that I was rather emotional.

On Saturday we broke the news to our parents - they were very excited!

By the time Saturday night rolled around, I had a small headache, which turned into a full-blown migraine on Sunday. I spent the entire day in bed (throwing up). I wasn't sure if I was throwing up from the migraine or if 'morning' sickness had arrived. It turns out that it was just a migraine thing..thank goodness.

Brian and I told our close friends at work this week. They were all so excited and happy for us. Between my real mom, my mother-in-law, and my 3 work moms, I have a feeling I won't be lacking in the motherly advice department!

So here we are..it's Saturday and I guess the only thing that's changed throughout the week is that the cramps from last week turned into a pulling feeling. That's the best way I can describe it. I feel it more when I lay down and I imagine it's because of all the shifting and changing that's going on in there. It doesn't hurt at all - in fact, it's comforting. I haven't felt sick at all. I did notice a funny feeling towards food yesterday. Not that I didn't eat it or anything, but I just felt like I would have preferred all tasteless food.

Hopefully this is the first of many blogs to come. We'll see you soon!
weight: 125lbs