Sunday, November 29, 2009

Out with the old, In with the new!

Week 14:

We made it safely into our Second Trimester! Mom is doing well. Baby is doing well. Andrea found out this week that she is having another little boy! We have exactly 1 month to wait before we can find out.

I put on my one and only pair of jeans for Thanksgiving and the zipper wouldn't even attempt to go up. I have a very tiny little belly right now, which I'm very proud of :). I went shopping with my mom and bought some maternity pants and my mom bought me two adorable maternity shirts. I'm really enjoying every second of this pregnancy!!!

We found a Black Friday sale on a glider - 50% off! We were lucky enough to actually get one without fighting the crowds. I couldn't help putting it together today and I love it. We also stopped at Target for something and we happened to stroll past the furniture, where we found the perfect dresser and book shelf for the babies room - on sale! It's not baby furniture, but it's by far the cutest/nicest furniture I've seen, and exactly what we've been looking for. Now all we need is the crib and a big, comfy rug. I didn't really expect to have all this shopping done already, but a deal is a deal :).

I can't wait to feel the little one moving in my belly! This whole process is beautiful and I pray for continued health for the baby and myself. I've been a whole lot more emotional lately, but can you blame me..I have a miracle growing inside of me!

Current Weight: 130ish

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Week of Trimester #1 (!!!!)

Hmm, where to start..

So I had an idea this week about Baby H's room. This is the first baby room idea that I've had that really makes me excited. I'm thinking about using very simple, dainty, old fashioned looking furniture (Jenny Lind designs in white, to be exact). My decorating style has always been juxtaposing Victorian, very intricate styles with modern, quirky styles. So I'm thinking that I'll use the furniture with delicate little spindles and I'll paint one wall of the room with horizontal black and white stripes (thick stripes). The other 3 walls will be almost white, but ever so slightly tinted with a color..maybe pink, blue, green, yellow..not sure yet. Anyhow, all the accents of the room will be bright, beautiful colors! I can't wait. I think my dad is going to help us get the twin bed that goes in that room set up this week.

Now, to my belly. I have a slight (very slight) little bump! I've continued to feel good. I'm not a big fan of waiting a full month between appointments, but I know there really isn't a reason go to sooner at this point. I just like seeing and hearing the baby.

Todd and Andrea find out if they are having a boy or girl tomorrow. I'm hoping for a girl for them.

Current weight: 130

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 12

Mom, Dad and Baby Heisey had a pretty exciting week 12! We had our second doctors appointment on Wednesday - we got to hear the heart beat. Then we had an awesome sonogram from Maternal Fetal Medicine for the First Trimester Screening on Thursday. Our little baby really does look like a baby now! We got a bunch of pictures and the one shows a clear picture of his/her mouth, nose, and eyes. It's amazing!!! My mom came with us to our screening and the 3 of us were completely surprised by the movement of the baby. I kinda laugh every time I think of it because I was expecting small movements, but Baby Heisey was 'bucking' in there and his/her little hands were going all over the place. It was adorable!

I'm back to being really tired again. I guess all the growing that's happening in there is making me exhausted.

We will get to find out the sex on December 29th as long as the little one cooperates :)

Almost out of the first trimester!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Whoops - we blew right through week 10!

So I guess the pregnancy really is going by faster than I thought. Here it is, the start of my 11th week, and I just realized that I never updated for week 10. Brian did get a picture though - all the pictures will be added soon although I can't say there has been much of a change yet aside from looking bloated!

Getting up in the middle of the night to pee has become a normal thing now. As I'm stumbling through the hallway at 1 in the morning..or is it 3?? (I'm only 1/2 awake), I don't always see it as an amazing thing, but just think how God has this all set up. So I never woke up to go to the bathroom before. In fact, I never work up for anything before, but now that I'm working towards motherhood it's so cool to know that He is preparing my body and my mind for those long baby feeding nights (and then the monster's under the bed nights..and the peeing the bed nights..along with the sleepless nights worrying about every last kid/teenager thing...looks like I won't be getting much sleep from here on out!)

I'm so excited to start showing. I don't want to wish any of this by, but I really, really just can't wait to be able to see the little one growing. I've felt great so far that I sometimes forget that I'm pregnant!

We have two upcoming appointments. The first is on Nov. 11th for a regular check-up and the second is on the 12th at Maternal Fetal Medicine for a sonogram screening. My mom will hopefully be joining us for the sonogram :)

Weight: about 130.