Monday, January 25, 2010

Off to Jury Duty we go...(Week 22)

So Noah and I were called for our Civic Duty this week! I'm not sure how he felt about it, but I loved it. I was there for one week. They put everyone in a big room and you wait (and wait) for a panel of prospective Jurors to be called. I was called for the 2nd trial on the first day, but wasn't picked for the jury. I was again called for a panel on Wednesday afternoon and was selected as a juror on Thursday morning. The trial barely started when they declared a mistrial. Not sure why? Although I'm bummed that I didn't get to actually go through the trial, the whole process of the week was pretty neat.

Since I had a lot of time to sit and stare..I discovered that I can see Noah's little kicks and pokes on the outside of my belly!

I am so thankful for him and for all the love I feel for him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 20..going on 21 :)

Another healthy week down with my active little boy. I'm enjoying every flutter, movement and kick! I felt him roll from one side of my belly to the other this week. I was laying on my back..just about asleep when I felt pressure in my stomach. I put my hand down to feel that my belly was really hard on the right side and it was slowly moving to the left. It was by far the neatest thing I've ever felt before!

I had a doctor appointment and weighed in at 131. That's a total of about 5 lbs so far. I've been eating like crazy so I can't imagine the weight is going to stay off for long. I look pregnant now..not just bloated. I also discovered a belly band a few weeks ago and it's a pretty great invention. I can wear my regular pants with the belly band - this is a good thing because the maternity pants stretch out as the day goes a lovely, baggy look to my butt.

I'm now really in the mood to go shopping for some maternity shirts. I don't have many choices around here so I will probably end up looking online.

Noah say's hi :)