Monday, April 19, 2010

Weeks 33 & 34

Noah and I had a pretty busy two weeks! Caleb Isaac Bowers was born on April 9th at 3:08 PM. I was in the delivery room the entire time and it was such an incredible miracle! I was a little hesitant to be in the room because of my upcoming delivery (I didn't want to feel nervous or worried), but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see my nephew enter this world. The whole process actually really put my mind at ease. I never imagined it to be so laid back and calm. The nurses and doctors were great. I pray that my delivery is as safe and healthy as Andrea's.

I had my doctors appointment on the 15th. Noah's heartbeat was strong and in the 140's. He still seems to be head down. I gained another 3lbs bringing my total to 29lbs.

Lately it looks and feels like Noah is trying to borrow out of my belly. It's such a neat feeling (although sometimes a bit painful), and something I wouldn't trade for anything! He's found what must be a comfy spot directly on/under my ribs. It's hard to believe that Noah is only about 4.5lbs right now. When he makes my belly move all around, he looks and feels a whole lot bigger.

Brian's band mates threw me a surprise baby shower on Saturday. It was so nice and very special! They really went out of their way to make me feel welcome in their circle. The food, friends, gifts, and fellowship was really perfect.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 32

8 weeks to go! It's unbelievable. I feel very pregnant, but great. I've actually never felt better. Aside from the back pain and overall exhaustion, I feel healthy and beautiful. I love feeling my round belly. I can actually feel how Noah is laying sometimes.

We had our 2 week check-up this week. I gained another 3 lbs making my current total 26 lbs. Noah's heartbeat was strong.

We have most of the nursery finished. A few details to go. Noah's little clothes are washed and folded. We will be packing the hospital bag soon!!!