Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 15

I can't believe how fast these weeks are going! Things really started to speed up. Tomorrow is week 16 already! 4 months pregnant :)

I had a bad pain in my stomach (right near my belly button) on Tuesday. It started when I was on my way home from work. For some reason I wasn't overly concerned..maybe because it didn't feel like a cramp or anything. I got home and made dinner, but when I went to sit down to eat, the pain started getting worse. I thought that if I could lay flat, maybe it would feel better. I went to the couch, but the pain was still there..just as bad. Brian and my mom convinced me to call the doctors office. The doctor on call asked that I come into the hospital to Labor Hall so she could check out my belly. I still wasn't overly worried at this point. It seemed like a good practice run since we've never been to the labor part of the hospital. We got there around 8 and the doctor was just getting ready to deliver a baby C-section. She stopped into my room and pushed on my belly saying that everything seemed to be ok. They were going to take a urine sample and check the babies heartbeat and then I could go home if I was feeling ok. Of course the pain went away when we were there. Not that it was a bad thing, but that's always how it works. The doctor went to deliver a baby and the nurse checked for the heartbeat. She couldn't find it, but we could hear movement. I don't think she was down low enough. She told me that the doctor would do a sonogram when she could. Luckily, the doctor came in about a 1/2 hour later and just squirted the gel on my stomach and put the sonogram thing down when a nurse came in with an emergency. The doctor did say before she ran out that the baby looked good. We could see the hearbeat. So she ran out and there sat the sonogram machine. It was turned on and ready to go. I still had all the gel on my stomach and Brian and I looked at each other..we wanted so badly to check it out for ourselves. No one was around! I knew though that as soon as one of us touched the machine, someone would come into the room. I had to hold Brian off. The doctor eventually came back and took the time to show us our little one. The baby flipped on it's side when we were watching!! So basically, everything was fine and the pain was gone. 2 hours after we got there, we were on our way home. I was very impressed with the doctor on call (Dr. Keperling) and I liked the hospital. She delivered 2 babies while we were there and was still very patient and caring towards me.

I also think that I felt the baby move this week. I can't be 100% sure, but I felt it a work when I was sitting very still and I felt it at church on Sunday. It's very subtle, but I'm pretty sure it was my baby!!!

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