Friday, October 2, 2009

6 weeks down, 34 to go..

I am now in my 7th week! It's just as scary, wonderful, and exciting as the 6th. Not a whole lot has changed other than the fact that I am so exhausted that I can barely keep my head up. I've never been so tired in all my life - but I'm not complaining - I don't mind missing some of my TV shows to catch some extra zzz's. I've actually spent the past two days in my car napping at lunchtime. Now, I've always taken great pride in the fact that I can basically sleep anywhere, anytime, but I didn't think I would actually be able to fall asleep for my measly 1/2 hour lunch break. I was so out that my mouth was hanging open when the alarm went off and I hit snooze. I get so excited at around 11:30 knowing that I'm going to be napping soon! I'm going to start losing friends at work :).

I had some blood work done this week to make sure that all my levels are ok - the wait for the results is always tough (I kept my cellphone glued to my side.) It's only fitting that when I put it down for 3 seconds (literally), I missed 'the call'. When I finally talked to the nurse, she assured me that all my levels looked good! 17,000 for HCG, 28.8 progesterone, and A+ blood type. I don't know what all that means right now, but I'm sure it will mean something sometime very soon.

I changed my doctor today. I've been going back and forth on this decision, and I finally made up my mind. I feel very at peace with the decision (plus I get to see the little one a week earlier now). My new appointment is 10/14. I have to attend an information class on the 12th to give all my information and meet with a nurse and other new mom's-to-be. Brian and I then meet with our new doctor for my first visit and sonogram!!! I will be around 9 weeks for my visit. Can't wait!

Current Weight: 127lbs

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